
Isle of Harris Roadtrip

Far too much to say about our trip to the Isle of Harris...so here it is broken into Top 5:

1. It's a long way away from anywhere, so plan a roadtrip ( we went via Fort William and Isle of Skye )

2. It is a quiet relaxed island, so don't expect lots going on. This is a place to explore and relax into.

3. Without a doubt these are the some of the most mental roads I have ever driven on ( and I have done lots of driving in my time ). Treble your normal driving times! That said if you have a road bike this is a serious Mecca.

4. There is a reason why Stornaway has it's own weather station...they get a lot of it there.

5. Buy some Harris Tweed, it is from a world we sorely miss.

Naturally I took some pics, click the image below to check them out...