So after a bit of running around Chester and the surrounding area I was presented with one of these trinkets..
Not wishing to go into a long report of how it went ( I'll save that for another post ), but all in all following 'not much' training I was pretty happy with a smidgeon over 4 hours.
More importantly it brings to a close my #ride4MB 100 Mile Challenge.
Michael's main message following his accident was to just get out there and ride. Now to be fair I did choose a couple of running events as well as the Sportive, but it's still getting out there at the end of the day. If I could ask you to do anything after reading this post, it would be to plan your next ride out....
Now to the money bit. As you may be aware it has been a little tricky getting the cash in for this challenge ( who would have thought that without you would have found it so hard to part with your cash? ). Some of you have been very generous and I am very grateful for your support, however some of you are still trying to work out the complexities of giving me your cash or sending money to PayPal.
I know it isn't pretty, but I want to raise as much money as I can to support Michael and his journey back home. So if you want to give, either send it to ( for PayPal...seems to be the most popular method at the moment ), or send me a cheque or drop me a message for my bank details for a transfer.
I'm totaling everything up at the end of October to send to Michael's fund, ( which gives you another pay day ).
Now to plan for 2014.... thinking Lakes 100 Ride, some more Enduro's and very open to more suggestions?
Thanks for your support.
More details on Michael's journey here