Those following my Twitter
feed will have noted that in the last couple of weeks I have baked a fair few batches of cookies. Still messing with the recipe, but tonight I banged out a quality batch, so thought I would share the recipe with you.
You will need to find the following:125g of quality Peanut Butter ( no cheapo stuff and go for wholenut organic stuff )
100g of Margarine
125g of Soft Brown Sugar
125g of Caster Sugar
1 large egg beaten up a bit
225g Plain Flour ( no cheap bleached stuff please )
1 tsp baking powder ( what does this stuff actually do? )
1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda ( no idea what this actually is and I have a Science degree? )
125g Rolled Porridge Oats
So not a lot of stuff then!
And this is how you make them:Oh, put that oven on 180 degrees Centigrade now.
Mix the Peanut Butter, Margarine and Sugars together till smooth.
Mix in the egg
Sift the Flour, Baking Powder and Bicarbonate of Soda in.
Fold in the Oats.
Mix it till it is smooth cookie dough texture.
Wack little balls on some baking paper in the over...move them around a bit so they don't burn ( surely it isn't just my oven which bakes unevenly? ). 15 or so minutes later and you are a baking god.
Put on cooling rack ( but eat one hot, you have earnt it ).